Rebecca Branda, Psy.D. Located in Santa Monica, California

Anxiety Specialist

Anxiety can hinder you from living in the present and moving forward. Don't let fear of the future prevent you from embracing it.


Many people experience stressful periods of worry, but those dealing with excessive worry or panic attacks understand that having anxiety can be straining in a way that disrupts daily life. Licensed clinical psychologist, Rebecca Branda, PsyD, of Summit Psychology in Santa Monica, California, provides a variety of effective treatments and coping strategies for patients struggling with anxiety.

Dr. Branda creates a warm, welcoming environment where patients can seek compassionate mental health care and long term solutions. To learn more, call the office today or book an appointment online.

Anxiety Q & A

  • Everyone has anxiety at times, but when it becomes overwhelming or interferes with your daily activities, you may have an anxiety disorder. You may experience severe anxiety or excessive worry and may feel nervous, restless, or panicky.

    In some women, anxiety manifests in physical symptoms. You may sweat and feel like your heart is racing, and may hyperventilate or begin to tremble. Many times, anxiety impacts how you sleep and can even cause gastrointestinal troubles.

    There are various types of anxiety disorders, including:

    • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

    • Panic disorder

    • Phobia (an extreme and irrational fear of something)

    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    • Social anxiety disorders

    Dr. Branda evaluates you to determine the type of anxiety disorder you have so she can offer you the most effective treatment, personalized specifically to your needs.

  • Anxiety causes a broad range of symptoms, emotionally and physically. Emotional symptoms can include:

    • Feelings of apprehension

    • Restlessness

    • Tenseness

    • Irritability

    • Feelings of dread and anticipating the worst

    Anxiety also causes physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, sweating, or an upset stomach. Elevated versions of these symptoms may also manifest themselves as panic attacks.

  • A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear even though no real danger is present. Although you can have a panic attack for no apparent reason, they’re usually triggered by something you fear. Panic attacks can cause fight-or-flight physiological responses such as shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, tingling, and a tight feeling in your chest. Many patients hyperventilate during a panic attack.

  • Anxiety becomes a concern when it persists in the absence of a fight-or-flight trigger or when it becomes so overwhelming that you can’t control feelings of apprehension or fear.

    When anxiety interferes with your relationships, stops you from going to work or school, or affects your daily life in any other way, it’s time to consider professional treatment to overcome the source of your anxiety.

    Dr. Branda offers psychodynamic and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques to help you manage your anxiety, panic attacks, and somatic disorders. She works with you to ease your anxiety and doesn’t just provide you with a pharmaceutical solution. Dr. Branda takes time to genuinely learn and understand each patient, so she can tailor a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

    If you have symptoms of anxiety that disrupt your life, call or use the online tool to contact Rebecca Branda, PsyD, at Summit Psychology and set up an appointment.

Contact us

We look forward to connecting with you. Please contact us to schedule a consultation call to learn more about our clinicians and services.

Serving Residents of: California & Illinois